Saturday, March 5, 2016


 is a social curation website for sharing and categorizing images found online. The site is described in its own content as a visual bookmarking site. Pinterest is a portmanteau of the words “pin” and “interest".

Pinterest  is ideal for getting inspired on a wide range of topics such as decorating your classroom, organize your ideas, get ideas for an inspired bulletin board, follow an interesting board, get fun ideas for new projects, learn how to get crafty, and looks for the way to organize your classroom.
In Pinterest, you'll find a wealth of lessons and ideas to look  through such as swap lesson plans, locate amazing images for your lessons, Have students pin project ideas, use pinning as part of a lesson, collect ideas for virtual field trips, Make group work visual, Have students photo journal on Pinterest, find loads of printables, pump up your science lessons with amazing experiments, get ideas on how to make learning more hands- on, find great books to use in the classroom, and look for grade-specific materials.

Pinterest, develop your teaching skills and connect with other professionals using these ideas-Collaborate with other teachers and educators, start a conversation, share what you're doing in the classroom, find out about great reads, get links to great tech resources, look for new innovative teaching methods, find out about awesome new educational products, promote your own work or blog, learn how to help with behavioral management, find amazing teaching blogs to read, develop as a teacher,find other teachers, stay on top of trends, and find tutorials.

Pinterest doesn’t have to be all business. There are fun ways to use it by finding inspiration, create dream classrooms, laugh after a long day  and by simply having fun!


  Click here to see my Pinterest Walkthrough

     Click here to see my Pinterest Product



    1. Good point about plagiarism, Ms. Gloria! That is a big disadvantage because the actual photographer or author of a linked article might not be given credit for their work. That can be an issue. On the other hand, I agree that it can be useful in the classroom. I use it for my lessons all the time!

      Love your blog! Keep it up!

    2. Awesome collection of resources on your pinterest board. I totally agree with you about the disadvantages. Thats actually my main concern about pinterest... theres no copyright..Good Job on your blog!
