Friday, March 4, 2016


Blendspace is a free web tool for teachers to collect resources in one place to form a bundled, interactive lesson for students or colleagues.

Blendspace also gives you the ability to add in multiple choice quizzes into your lessons so that your lessons are more than just sharing info - it helps you assess students on what they're learning right alongside the content.

But to get the most out of Blendspace, you'll want to create a class and add your students.
We can use Blendspace  as an assessment tool for our students and track their progress but our students should have an account as part of your classroom.

Students can then create Blendspace "lessons" of their own.

I can also see myself making Blendspace lessons for fellow colleagues for professional development purposes.

Digital learning resources are ordered in a list and students go through them one by one making the lesson very linear. It would be interesting to see a more adaptive lesson that provides different learning paths for students depending on their actions. Some resources take more time to load and others must be opened in another tab or window. It could be beneficial to try and load all resources in the same tab or window so students remain in the learning space which would allow them to have access to the resource alongside instructions and space to comment.                



  1. The feature of adding a quiz to your presentation is really great! It's like we can do the "4 corners" while tackling the quiz in class to engage students to be interactive. Great Blendspace product! Students may have the better chance of understanding the differentiation between Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms and Homophones. Good job Ms. Gloria! :-)

  2. I can't say that I truly understand how Blendspace works and after reading through your blog and and your step by step tutorial and how it can be used in the classroom I think I would give it a try. Thank you!
